
New info re treatment on website page [www.irish-homeopathycentre.com ]. New safe homeopathic treatment without side effects available in cream form with consultation from The IrishHomeopathy Centre, Dublin 9 Ireland or contact Kevin on  00353(0)861943877

Toothache at the weekend and knowing there was a hole in the tooth. 

I gave 2 x Homeopathic Chamamille 30 [1 now and 1 in 20 mins] and 2 spares which were not needed as well as some other help and general advice. Problem sorted and a good nights sleep.


There are so many things you can help with safe homeopathic remedies that you could ask about having a talk in your house or in a venue you want to invite others to. That way your friends can pick up little gems of information at the same time.